Middle School Assignments

Dear Riverview Gardens School District Families:

As we continue to navigate the coronavirus pandemic, we have enacted a plan to ensure that student learning continues during the school closure. The plan calls for the implementation of distance learning and/or the use of assignment packets and online resources.

Instructional Schedule and Assignments for Students
It is recommended that parents follow the “Student At Home Instructional 
Schedule” that is posted on the district website.

Students will complete the assignments at a comfortable speed. Parents can access the assignment packet through the assigmnment calendar, which is attached to this webpage. Parents can view, download and print the assignments. ACE middle school students can also use these assignment packets. 

In addition, students who have access to internet services and technology may access the list of online instructional activities on the district’s website under the “Assignments During Closure” tab. Next, parents will need to click on the “Online Resources” tab to access the list of online activities.

Teacher Support and Availability

If you have questions regarding the assignments, you may contact your child’s teacher and/or principal via email and/or during the hours of 8 am.-11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.-3:20 p.m. daily. Please inform the teacher of your preference for contact.

Parents are encouraged to sign up for our online parent portal by clicking on the “Parents” tab on the district website and following the instructions under the “SIS K- 12 Parent Portal Student Grade Information” tab. https://forms.gle/CbKJSiiJsrScgLPF7. This will also ensure that parents recieve email and phone updates from the district related to the coronavirus crisis. 

Families who do not have internet access can contact Charter at 1-844-488-8398 to secure free Spectrum internet access.